For a person who spouts to have Foreign Service experience, you know damned where that nowhere in the CWC are nations obligated to enforce the CWC. They can choose to enforce it but no nation is obligated to enforce it. That's the law.
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Syrian Civil War Developments
Originally posted by snapper View PostThe Assad regime is already charged.
Originally posted by snapper View PostWe all are or it happens again - maybe worse.
Originally posted by snapper View PostThat the guilty are seen to be punished matters.
Originally posted by snapper View PostIt has a deterrent effect.
Originally posted by snapper View PostThere is a UNSC meeting ongoing regarding the Skripal - Salisbury attack as I write.Chimo
Originally posted by snapper View PostWe all are or it happens again - maybe worse. That the guilty are seen to be punished matters. It has a deterrent effect. There is a UNSC meeting ongoing regarding the Skripal - Salisbury attack as I write.
There has never been much of an appetite for nation states to cede power to a higher sovereign entity and therefore the UN has no army. After all, if the UN had a standing army it would essentially be a form of world government in which an totalitarian state would possess veto power over key decision making. That would immediately make it unacceptable to the West.
Thus you're back to convincing individual states that it's in their best interests bear the costs of dragging Assad to the Hague.Last edited by SteveDaPirate; 05 Apr 18,, 22:27.
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostI don't see you grabbing an AK47 to go arrest Assad.
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostTrump cruise missile Assad's ass and he's satisfied and his opinion is the only one that matters.
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostNo one is going to arrest Assad.
Originally posted by snapper View PostI am detained by other business,
Originally posted by snapper View PostTrump missiled an empty airport and said look at how tough I am. The next day it was operational again.
Originally posted by snapper View PostThat Trumps opinion matters should concern us all.
Originally posted by snapper View PostMay as well give up the idea of international law then. Dog eat dog shall be the law. I prefer to hope different.Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 06 Apr 18,, 03:32.Chimo
A. You do not decide what Canada does.
B. You have little idea of how much I have or have not bled. At present I am heavily pregnant so not welcome at the front on active service.
On the more general level unless you act against war crimes where they happen do not be surprised when they occur in your home countries. Dictators and murderers only stop when stopped. Allowing them to be seen to 'win' will only inspire others to act in the same criminal manner.
Originally posted by snapper View PostA. You do not decide what Canada does.
Originally posted by snapper View PostB. You have little idea of how much I have or have not bled.
Originally posted by snapper View PostAt present I am heavily pregnant so not welcome at the front on active service.
Originally posted by snapper View PostOn the more general level unless you act against war crimes where they happen do not be surprised when they occur in your home countries. Dictators and murderers only stop when stopped. Allowing them to be seen to 'win' will only inspire others to act in the same criminal manner.Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 06 Apr 18,, 04:23.Chimo
Originally posted by snapper View PostTo leave the murderous Assad regime in power is contrary to every international or moral law. The lot of them belong at the court in the Hague and to allow them to continue in power encourages other would be mass murderers.
The adage was, "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't."
disclaimer: I don't mean to apply this adage literally to the example of Assad. It's just an adage.
This principle of "better the devil you know" is why we (the US) intervened on behalf of Iraq and the Gulf Countries in the 1980s. Iran under the Ayatollah was the devil we didn't know. And by later removing a devil we knew, Saddam Hussein, combined with the Iraqi refusal to extend SOFA past 2011, this had the unintended consequence of the creation of a devil we didn't know. We spent trillions on the Iraq War and thousands of American lives were lost, and what did we get for the blood and treasure spent? An Iranian proxy/puppet state and ISIS. This principle also stays the hand of countries like Jordan, for Assad is the devil they know. For the most part, Jordan is no longer overtly intervening in the war in Syria, at least not as overtly or to the degree they were a few years ago.
Yes, Assad is one of the most terrible goddamned people on the planet. But there are literally people waiting to chop the heads off of every secularist, Christian, Druze, Ala'wite, Shi'ite, Sufi, and even every non-Wahabbi Sunni in that country. Or burn them alive in cages. Or throw them off of buildings.
There are far worse devils than Assad lurking in Syria, and half-measures, quarter-measures, and tenth-measures aren't going to be enough. Unless a multi-national coalition were to form with the political will and means to deploy 2 or 3 million troops, invest hundred of billions in reconstruction aid, and oversee free and fair elections, everything short of that is for all practical purposes an empty gesture, counter-productive, or could lead to severe unintended consequences and blowback. It's better to use what means we have at our disposal as a scalpel, rather than a bludgeon.
Now if the GCC countries and Turkey want to team up and deal with Assad, by all means, they can have at it. We (the United States and NATO) were there to defeat ISIS. My opinion is to leave this problem to the local actors, either they'll clean up their own neighborhood or they won't.Last edited by Ironduke; 08 Apr 18,, 04:46."Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes."
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostGood. Now imagine anyone tearing that baby away from you on somebody else's crusade.Last edited by snapper; 07 Apr 18,, 15:46.
Wake Up! The problem was there long before North America belonged to the Vikings. Thbe only time the area was at peace was under the Mongols when they slaughtered whole cities and their armies collected 300 heads per soldier. We tried for 10 years to bring peace and prosperity from Iraq to Afghanistan and all they still wanted to do was to butcher each other.
You want to send your child into that mess, that's your preorgative but I'm not going to bleed for a bunch of murdering fucks anymore.Chimo
Actually the Mongols were defeated at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 and later driven back from Syria - but hey just facts. As for myself I prefer a better, safer world for those who come after me rather than "peace in my time" for my own 'quality of life' or whatever. I do not compromise with tyrants or mass murderers; there can be none. It is us or them and if you do not understand that it is because you are fortunate enough for your family not have experienced it. "Sic semper tyrannis" is not just a saying. It is a war if need be.
Originally posted by snapper View PostActually the Mongols were defeated at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 and later driven back from Syria - but hey just facts.
I'd be more than glad to discuss this in the historical forum. :-)"Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes."