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Syrian Civil War Developments
Originally posted by Versus View PostOnce the corridor is formed for the Qatari pipeline, efforts will be made to cleanse Serbs from Bosnia and in the same time a mixture of migrants and Albanian+Sanjak Muslim unrest will push Serbia in turmoil. Without an army to defend its sovereignty it will have only one option and that is to abandon the territories that are populated with Albanians and Muslims. Once that is done, a corridor will be formed, the Green traversal will come to life, enabling the flow of Qatari natural gas to Europe. Europe will than populate that space with migrants which will act as a human shield for the pipeline. Any attempt of Serbia to regain control over the lost territory will be foiled with the reaction from the Middle East, as they can shuffle millions to defend their endangered brothers in the Balkans. Serbia will most likely wither away, as it will be left outside of the Eu and combined pressure of Muslims expansion and Eu/US enablers will push the population further inland. Like that, housewife in southern Wales will be able to save one quid on her gas bill, American stock brokers will earn for another kilo of cocaine to inhale and everything will be fine, dandy and profitable and progressive knowing that Russians can never set their foot on the Balkans.
Originally posted by snapper View PostWhile I think it fair to mention the (proposed) Qatari gas pipeline via Syria to Turkey in a thread about the Syrian proxy war I am not sure your Serbian conspiracy theories are relevant here, no offence intended and I would love to answer your conspiracy theories but not sure this the right place.
As far as general CT story goes, why you can't accept the fact that most of the Western elite simply hates us, is beyond me when they demonstrated that many times in the past.
In the realm of spirit, seek clarity; in the material world, seek utility.
This keeps getting better and better by the minute...Sometimes, I think that all the rest of us should invade both US and Russia, take their leaders and lock them in a room and let them out only after they reached an agreement. Who are they to decide and dictate my life or any other life for that matter? I don't care about US or Russian agenda, I just want to live my life as I want to...
Originally posted by citanon View PostGunboat diplomacy used to be about taking over harbors and customs. now the Russian version is apparently about not actually firing at menacing fishing vessels. how the mighty has fallen.Last edited by Versus; 15 Dec 15,, 00:21.