Originally posted by bigross86
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Don't want to get in the way here, but I think there is a point in here worth addressing. I don't think the issue here is public 'uproar'. There probably won't be one. As issues in the public mind go this isn't a big one, but it doesn't have to be to do Israel damage.
As you are no doubt aware, Israel has image problems (fairly or otherwise - not the issue here). This adds a potential negative, if only a small one. The fact that it is necessary to explain anything is immediately an issue because many/most of those who find out about the use of passports won't hear the explanation - it will take more time than they can be bothered with. Better not to create the problem in the first place (ie, use someone else's passports).
The second issue here is probably more problematic. The people who will probably be most p1ssed off about this are actually the people in a position to cause Israel the most problems - politicians & government officials. They are much more likely to get upset about the misuse of their official documents. They are the ones who handle the relationship between the two nations. They are the ones who might feel that they are being disrespected by a nation they have strongly supported in an unfriendly world.
Few people are going to weep for our dead terrorist, but it strikes me that the potential irritation to friendly nations was unnecessary.
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