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Best statehood solution?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by M21Sniper View Post
    Kill all the palestinians.

    Problem solved.
    Problem with that, is that these guys are alot like purple loosestrife. you can mow these weeds down, but they will just come right back, you can try and remove them by hand, but be-for-warned, they have prickly stems. And even if you do succeed in plucking every single plant out of the ground, all it will take is one little peice of root that you missed, and they will come right back with avengance.

    Only way to get rid of them, is to take an excavator, and dig a 5foot deep trench where the plants once rooted...however problem with that, is that now you have a big ugly hole.

    Not to mention that the seeds from distant plants will fly in the wind, and just re colonize the trench..

    To rid the scourge of the palestinian problem, in such a manner as you described. Would mean the total eradication of everysingle muslim person, civilian or not, from the face of the earth.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Canmoore View Post
      Problem with that, is that these guys are alot like purple loosestrife. you can mow these weeds down, but they will just come right back, you can try and remove them by hand, but be-for-warned, they have prickly stems. And even if you do succeed in plucking every single plant out of the ground, all it will take is one little peice of root that you missed, and they will come right back with avengance.

      Only way to get rid of them, is to take an excavator, and dig a 5foot deep trench where the plants once rooted...however problem with that, is that now you have a big ugly hole.

      Not to mention that the seeds from distant plants will fly in the wind, and just re colonize the trench..

      To rid the scourge of the palestinian problem, in such a manner as you described. Would mean the total eradication of everysingle muslim person, civilian or not, from the face of the earth.
      Oh, Islam as we know it will be extinct in a 100 years or so, I have no doubt of that. Either they will have a major Reformation and the extremists I'm told are only a small portion of them get it in the neck, or there's a big war that kills a lot of people and eventually the extremists as well. Then the Crescent worldwide will become just like the Swastika is in Germany today - illegal, ill-mannered, and ill-received.

      That being said, I don't think the Palestinian's problem is Islam anymore, I think they've bored right through the basement of Islam and found true barbarism. I don't consider them civilized at all.



      • #33
        Thought I would bump this topic. Perhaps we could see a livelier debate now. :)
        "Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes."


        • #34
          I thought this was a serious discussion board, I'm surprised at some of the comments posted here.
          Education is the best provision for old age - Aristotle


          • #35
            Mohassan Reply

            "I thought this was a serious discussion board, I'm surprised at some of the comments posted here."

            Until today you've provided one comment (in November) since last June and this is your latest offer? Further, in those few precious writings, the substance was generally amiss.

            Improve your discourse before commenting derisively of others. Just now, you've no credibility and nobody really cares.


            "Perhaps we could see a livelier debate now.":)

            Probably not the kick-start that you had in mind, eh?
            "This aggression will not stand, man!" Jeff Lebowski
            "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." Lester Bangs


            • #36

              Originally posted by Parihaka View Post
              Definitely bi-national. I know that it will never happen but if somehow we could swamp their entire water supply with prozac for the next 150 years
              Why do you think that this would be the best solution? Considering how few working bi-national states there are, it doesn't sound promising. Or necessary. Why force two such different nationalities to live under the same government? We don't expect the French and the Germans to do that, or the Indians and the Pakistanis, or pretty much anyone else. And even if the Jews of Israel would not be put in mortal peril in a supposed bi-national state, they would still have to give up their identity as citizens of a Jewish state. Why should they?


              • #37
                S-2, I wasn't mocking or disrespecting nobody. It's just the title of the thread is "best solutions for Palestinian statehood" so am i to take serious the ones advocating to kill ALL Palestinians?

                Economist, 1.jihad in islam means struggle, and the best form of jihad in Islam is the personnel struggle, i.e struggle to purify one's soul of evil influences.

                2.murder, suicide bombings, genocide, aimed at innocent civilians (be it jews, muslims or non-muslims) is strictly forbidden and is un-Islamic.

                3.Most Palestinians just want to live a life of peace, prosperity and dignity, you must understand that, you can't paint all Palestinians as evil, "uncivilized" (as someone else put it), terrorists who's only motive in life is to wipe israel out.

                PS. I haven't posted as much due to personnel circumstances.
                Education is the best provision for old age - Aristotle


                • #38
                  mohassan Reply

                  "Economist, 1.jihad in islam means struggle, and the best form of jihad in Islam is the personnel struggle, i.e struggle to purify one's soul of evil influences.

                  2.murder, suicide bombings, genocide, aimed at innocent civilians (be it jews, muslims or non-muslims) is strictly forbidden and is un-Islamic.

                  3.Most Palestinians just want to live a life of peace, prosperity and dignity, you must understand that, you can't paint all Palestinians as evil, "uncivilized" (as someone else put it), terrorists who's only motive in life is to wipe israel out."

                  Use your good judgment. Ignore the disparagement and make points that illustrate the above values. My sense of proportion is assaulted daily when I view (a pakistani defense forum). The views expressed of Americans can be venomous and certainly inaccurate. My obligation is to dispute w/ as many pointed facts as I can muster (w/ links to sustain my arguments) and desist from crying "foul". Few will listen and some will even take pleasure should I whine.

                  Display a lucid and incisive discourse and you'll positively affect others and better serve Islam in the process. WAB is an excellent vehicle to sharpen your arguments if used properly.

                  I wish you well.
                  "This aggression will not stand, man!" Jeff Lebowski
                  "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." Lester Bangs


                  • #39
                    S-2, I wasn't mocking or disrespecting nobody. It's just the title of the thread is "best solutions for Palestinian statehood" so am i to take serious the ones advocating to kill ALL Palestinians?
                    No, you just disregard it. Such views aren't the views of the forum staff. When I created the thread a few years back, "exterminate the Palestinians" was not among the poll options listed.
                    "Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes."


                    • #40
                      The "kill 'em all" solution is not part of a valid state solution to be sure. But it was floated and I felt it worth commenting on and defending, as a root solution that is completely unacceptable.

                      In other words, it goes up on the white board and gets crossed off.

                      I still stand by my statements about how barbaric the average Palestinian is. They are Orcs.



                      • #41

                        I still stand by my statements about how barbaric the average Palestinian is. They are Orcs.
                        if you're going to talk about an entire people being barbaric, how is that so much different from talk of untermenschen?
                        There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov


                        • #42
                          IMO Best solution...

                          Learn to seperate Church and State. FIRST AND FOREMOST!

                          Do not let those who run the Church/Mosk run the state and vise versa. Inact laws that make it illegal to enact terrorism on military or civilian lives and back it with an immediate death penalty. Allow thelogins to speak or sit upon the state legislature only to keep a voice of state spirit and religious insight (backed with facts not interpertations). More or less council. The state thelogin/plural watches over the churchs/mosks and defines the course of religion/values to be tought to its followers and adheres to the same rules of civility that the state indicates.

                          You cannot have civilty until you have a civilization. You cant have civilization until you weed out those who preach killing in the name of religion and also have say in the way the state is ran. It will never work.

                          First and foremost learn to seperate Church and State. Then and only then can you route out the troublemakers and make a better place for the people to live in peace and look forward to civilty and persuing their respective religions. And if it takes something very unpopular to achieve this goal the ask yourself the question.. How bad do I want a better life for myself and family and finally country.
                          Last edited by Dreadnought; 16 Jan 08,, 19:39.
                          Fortitude.....The strength to persist...The courage to endure.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by astralis View Post

                            if you're going to talk about an entire people being barbaric, how is that so much different from talk of untermenschen?
                            Because I believe they can stop being barbaric if they want to.
                            It's not a trait, it's a choice.



                            • #44
                              Learn to seperate Church and State. FIRST AND FOREMOST!
                              I encourage you to read Alfred Stepan's "Twin Tolerations."

                              A short summary:
                              “Twin tolerations” means that there is a clear distinction and a mutual respect between political authorities and religious leaders and bodies. When true differentiation is accomplished, the religious sector enjoys freedom of activity and the ability to peacefully influence its members but does not wield direct political power.
                              World Religions and Democracy
                              "Every man has his weakness. Mine was always just cigarettes."


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Ironduke View Post
                                I encourage you to read Alfred Stepan's "Twin Tolerations."

                                A short summary:

                                World Religions and Democracy
                                Thanks Duke. It just seems to be one of the major problems when confronting Jihadi and from alot of information that would clear that up they seem to leave out sometimes. But thanks for the info.
                                Fortitude.....The strength to persist...The courage to endure.

