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That's a disgusting idea. I can't believe I'm reading this. KILLING all 5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza strip? Are you nuts?
Nope. I'm honest.
Why stop there? Why not exterminate everyone in Jordan? 1/3 of them are Palestinian. What about Egypt?
Sure, get 'em all.
I can't believe you're advocating a "reverse Holocaust", which calls for 5 million Palestinians to be murdered. How would you go about this insidious task? Zyklon B is effective, maybe we could feed them one by one into thousands of wood chippers?
P.S. perhaps you're merely bringing up the extermination issue to make a hypothetical point -- that the solution to Israels problem is "extermination of the Palestinians", but that you would denounce such atrocities. If so, it could have been a little clearer, but if that's the case then I apologize for my vehement denunciation. I guess I'd wanted some clarification on this issue is all.
Hey, I just don't believe that Palestinians can create a nation that will be worthwhile, and I believe they are (and have been made into) the root cause of a lot of people's problems. And I'm sick of hearing them complain, and people complaining for them.
In short, I believe that they are more dangerous alive than dead. Or heck, build a spaceship and send them all to Earth II - I don't want them dead, I want them out of the game.
And as I said, that's a completely unacceptable solution for any current modern civilization. It'll never happen, and it shouldn't happen. I would vote against such a thing if it were presented. But it's also true that while it's busy not happening, a lot of innocent people are going to be killed by and because of them.
Well it sounds like you do sympathize with the Palestinians :) If you didn't then why would you believe they have "every right to live as u and I do"?
As Palestinians, I would not even entertain the thought of any smpathy with them.
Having said that, they might consider themselves muslims first & human beings later, I don't. This is the way I was brought up & hence as human beings would offer them a chance to live peacefully.
I sympathize with Israel, historically, and today. But I also sympathize with suffering in Palestine, and I DO NOT make each and every member of a particular ethnicity, religion, skin color, language, etc, guilty by reason of association. I'm mad at individuals, certain governments, certain groups etc.
Doesn't matter what we propose, the Palestinians will not stop until they wipe out Israel. They simply cannot accept co-existance with the Jews. With a mentality like that, nothing will satisfy them.
"Only Nixon can go to China." -- Old Vulcan proverb.
Doesn't matter what we propose, the Palestinians will not stop until they wipe out Israel. They simply cannot accept co-existance with the Jews. With a mentality like that, nothing will satisfy them.
Than that view should apply to muslim masses. The ideology is widely shared.;)
Than that view should apply to muslim masses. The ideology is widely shared.;)
Possibly. But the ones who would get off their butts and do something is still in the minority. We don't have to like everyone, and we don't ask everyone to like us. We just want people to resolve things with talks rather than bombs.
"Only Nixon can go to China." -- Old Vulcan proverb.
Have you heard statements from Abu-Bakar Bashyir? Leader of Jamaah Islamiyah terrorist group who masterminded the Bali bombing few years ago. He said that John Howard, Blair, and Bush must convert to Islam or they will die since Islam is invincible.
He also said, "If the Prophet carried a spear, then for us today we can carry an M-16!"
OMG, would this be 'to kill or get killed'? I don't understand extremists way of thinking..
Have you heard statements from Abu-Bakar Bashyir? Leader of Jamaah Islamiyah terrorist group who masterminded the Bali bombing few years ago. He said that John Howard, Blair, and Bush must convert to Islam or they will die since Islam is invincible.
He also said, "If the Prophet carried a spear, then for us today we can carry an M-16!"
OMG, would this be 'to kill or get killed'? I don't understand extremists way of thinking..
KORANIC interpretation of Jihad is clear.
A muslim can get away with anything (Murder, genocide) given he offers his enemy the chance to convert.
Numerous doctrines have shown Bin Laden offering the same advice to the Americans in order to justify 9-11.
Israel cannot exist or all of islam is wrong. The Phrophet said that the Children of Ishmael were now the chosen of God and the Jews had lost thier place, for the jews now to be in possesion of Jerusalem (God's city) and in charge of some 6 million arabs and moslems is an afront beucase it means Muhhammed lied and thus was a false prophet. Only by modernizing islam or destroying israel can the status quo be restored. Islam has ressited modernizing now for decades and may well be incapable of doing so.
It may end up taking a unified global effort to force islam to reform along lines acpetable to the UNUDHR and have it drop its racist sexist and bigotted agenda.
Personally I think the Islamic Palestininas should be deported enamsse to Syria, iran, and Suadi Arabia the prinicple finacial backers of the PLA and the infantada.