Originally posted by TopHatter
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In 2019 and again this year, Congress has voted overwhelmingly to endorse American participation in NATO. Here's a list of those who voted against this resolution this year, and where indicated, also voted against NATO in 2019.
It should surprise no one except the voters that each and every one is a GOPer.
Anytime any one of these people even hints at being a supporter of "the troops," or even of American defense, please correct that misrepresentation.
Alderholt (AL)
Allen (GA) – twice
Amash (MI)
Biggs (AZ) – twice
Babin (TX)
Bishop (NC)
Boebert (CO)
Buck (CO)
Burchett (TN) – twice
Cammack (FL)
Carter (TX)
Cawthorn (NC)
Cline (VA) – twice
Cloud (TX)
Clyde (GA)
Davidson (OH)
DesJarlais (TN) – twice
Donalds (FL)
Estes (KS) – twice
Fulcher (ID) – twice
Gaetz (FL) – twice
Gohmert (TX) – twice
Good (VA)
Gooden (TX)
Gosar (AZ) – twice
Granger (TX)
Green (TN)
Greene (GA)
Grifith (VA)
Harris (MD) – twice
Harshbarger (TN)
Hern (OK)
Herrell (NM)
Hice (GA) – twice
Higgins (LA)
Hollingsworth – twice
Jordoan (OH) – twice
Keller (PA)
LaMalfa (CA)
Lesko (AZ)
Long (MO)
Loudermilk (GA)
Massie (KY) – twice
Mast (FL)
Miller (IL)
McClintock (CA)
Meadows (NC)
Moolenaar (MI)
Mullin (OK)
Murphy (NC)
Nehls (TX)
Norman (SC)
Perry (PA) – twice
Posey (FL)
Rose (TN) – twice
Rosendale (MT)
Roy (TX) – twice
Sessions (TX)
Smith (MO)
Smith (NJ)
Steube (FL) – twice
Tiffany (WI)
Van Drew (NJ)
Walberg (M)
Weber (TX) – twice
Webster (FL)
Wenstrup (OH)