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2022-2024 Russo-Ukrainian War

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  • Is the UA going for the Kursk nuclear power plant? They’d probably need more than a few hundred troops to seize it. It would be a great bargaining chip though.
    Last edited by statquo; 07 Aug 24,, 19:56.


    • From Operator Starsky, a week ago,
      "What the is wrong with the American Colonel? | Day 891 of the russian invasion"

      "Let’s “dissect” an American Colonel spreading the narratives of the russian terrorists in the US, and discuss the recent updates around Ukraine!"

      A two hour video of Operator Starsky on Douglas Macgregor. It was a live stream, not a video, so it tends to be a bit long.

      Not surprisingly, Starsky has a low opinion of the ex-colonel.


      • Originally posted by Widget Jr View Post
        From Operator Starsky, a week ago,
        "What the is wrong with the American Colonel? | Day 891 of the russian invasion"

        "Let’s “dissect” an American Colonel spreading the narratives of the russian terrorists in the US, and discuss the recent updates around Ukraine!"

        A two hour video of Operator Starsky on Douglas Macgregor. It was a live stream, not a video, so it tends to be a bit long.

        Not surprisingly, Starsky has a low opinion of the ex-colonel.
        Macgregor needs to fornicate himself with an iron rod
        “He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”


        • Long overdue, Scott Ritter's home was searched by the FBI.
          FBI Raids Home of Former UN Official and Convicted Sex Predator Scott Ritter
          FBI raids former UN Weapon Inspector's Delmar home (

          Paul Lewandowski aka Combat Veteran reacts gives his reaction.
          FBI Raids Home of Pro-Russian Shill!

          Ritter is a former weapons inspector who held security clearances. The FBI might take a interest in him when he supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and travels to Russia and Chechnya to support them. Also confiscating his passport does more than prevent him from traveling abroad. It keeps him from leaving the country, should the FBI or DOJ get more warrants.


          • Trent Telenko's thread on the Ukraine offensive in Kursk, via threadreader:
            Thread by @TrentTelenko on Thread Reader App

            • NATO corps sized operation, 25,000 personnel, RU forces caught completely by surprise.
            • This is a combined arms, armor, infantry, drone and air support operation. AFU is advancing with drone, air defense, and anti-drone warfare.
            • Ukrainian BUK sams and drones have forced the Russian air force to move back, which helps the AFU advance.
            • Russian social media, which is usually on top of things, missed this entirely.
            • Size of operation and area covered, RU territory at risk, makes this a more strategic operation.
            • The railway through Kursk is part of Russia's supply for their forces in Ukraine, cutting that off will hurt.
            • Russian logistics are in a bad situation here. The Russian MOD ignored the threat in this area, and didn't prepare for it.
            • On top of that, the Russian rail system is starting to show it is wearing out due to lack of maintenance, and inability to get replacement bearings for the trains.


            • Other sources aren't reporting such a large incursion, at least not a few hours ago, perhaps that's changed now. If the numbers quoted above are true Putin has a dilemma. He either redeploys forces from his 'all volunteer' special military operation or he sends in the latest lot of inexperienced draftees. For the most part he can't send draftees into Ukraine because the law states they can only serve on Russian soil. Some may have been 'voluntold' earlier in the war but this past year or more he's been using very generous sign on bonuses and salaries to attract recruits, which coincidentally is one cause of the major costs blowouts in the defense budget and the war related economic problems that Russia is facing.

              The volunteers may be getting killed and injured in large numbers but as long as their families are getting the promised financial compensation there's not a lot even their families can complain about because that compensation, including death benefits is very generous by Russian standards and no-one is being forced to fight. Now Ukraine has invaded Russian territory proper? Putin can legally force conscripts to fight in the war and the families of those conscripts - will be mightily pissed off because they have all been told conscripts wouldn't be forced to fight. Especially since (until Putin makes an announcement changing this) any conscripts forced to fight won't be getting the pay and other benefits that the volunteers get. They also won't have the training or equipment the volunteers have been getting these past few months either.

              If Ukraine has deployed the best part of a corp sized force for this op it will be interesting to see how far they try to push and whether they intend to try and hold onto any of their gains or just pull back after kicking the bear in the nuts .
              If you are emotionally invested in 'believing' something is true you have lost the ability to tell if it is true.


              • To #9438: All I can say is, Macgregor has spent twenty years showing how right the army was not promoting him to general. Good thing too, one Colonel Custer or General Fredendall was enough.


                • Ever since the Russians invaded Ukraine over two years ago, it had amazed me (a layman) that they didn’t retaliate with strikes into Russia. Sure to begin with they lacked the combatants and material to do much. Then even when western aid started to roll in, they still restrained!
                  Yes that aid came with a caveat, that it could only be used in Ukraine, so as not to “provoke” Russia!
                  But try to imagine the; almost painful, self-control it took not to strike back! Seeing tens of thousands fellow Ukrainians being killed, or driven into exile! Their cities and towns under daily attack, and having to stand back, and not retaliate!
                  Well with Kursk they are finally retaliating! It will be interesting to read or hear in the coming days what finally pushed them over the edge.
                  True to form Putin is calling it a “provocation”, and a terrorist attack!!!
                  This is just a new addition to Russian New Speak.
                  Special Military Operation: War
                  enemy combatants: Neo-Nazis
                  and now retaliation: provocation
                  When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. - Anais Nin


                  • Originally posted by TopHatter View Post

                    Macgregor needs to fornicate himself with an iron rod
                    A crooked one. He is a stain on the officer corps of my beloved Army.
                    “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
                    Mark Twain


                    • Trent Telenko needs to stick to truck tires. I trust his opinion on logistics but not on the operational level of war. Instead I'll go with Australian MG(Ret) Mick Ryan's assessment of operations in the Kursk Region. He is exactly right...this is a human achievement. The lessons learned from Ukraine's failed offensive last year have been learned and applied.

                      Mick is expected to have deeper analysis at the War On The Rocks website coming soon but I wanted to pop this up as a quick snapshot of his thoughts.

                      Thread by @WarintheFuture on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

                      Mick Ryan, AM


                      Aug 8

                      Maybe we can finally dispense with the ‘transparent battlefield’ fallacy. War’s enduring feature, as Clausewitz described, is that it is a human endeavour and that it is full of uncertainty, friction, emotion and surprise. 1/5

                      2/ The level of strategic, operational and tactical deception shown by the Ukrainians during the planning, assembling forces and ongoing execution of the #Kursk operation has been superb.

                      3/ This is not a technical achievement - it is a human one. People who have learned from their successes and failures since February 2022 have crafted an operational design that is being competently executed by motivated soldiers.

                      4/ The design is physical of course. But it also has a profound moral dimension - the operation has shocked the Russian military and citizenry. The Ukrainians are exploiting this shock to move quickly through Kursk. This shock will unveil other opportunities for Ukraine to strike.

                      5/ But the strategic shock will also need to be exploited. It will have an impact on the status of Putin at home and abroad (can’t defend his own country). And, I hope, this will reinvigorate Western publics & politicians to force a change in our strategy to one that embraces and resources defeating Russia In Ukraine. End.
                      Oh...and again...FVCK Macgregor!!!
                      “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
                      Mark Twain


                      • Russia asks the UN to condemn Ukraine’s terrorist actions in Kursk


                        I thought that Russia might act like this! But then again, not even Russia would sink so low! Boy was I ever wrong!!!
                        This is reminiscent of a schoolyard bully that had been ceaselessly picking on a weaker pupil. Until the said pupil finally had enough, and lays into the bully and gives the bully a bloody nose. Whereupon the bully runs home to mother blubbering.

                        When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. - Anais Nin


                        • Originally posted by Amled View Post


                          I thought that Russia might act like this! But then again, not even Russia would sink so low! Boy was I ever wrong!!!
                          This is reminiscent of a schoolyard bully that had been ceaselessly picking on a weaker pupil. Until the said pupil finally had enough, and lays into the bully and gives the bully a bloody nose. Whereupon the bully runs home to mother blubbering.
                          Pot meet kettle!
                          “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
                          Mark Twain


                          • Originally posted by Amled View Post


                            I thought that Russia might act like this! But then again, not even Russia would sink so low! Boy was I ever wrong!!!
                            This is reminiscent of a schoolyard bully that had been ceaselessly picking on a weaker pupil. Until the said pupil finally had enough, and lays into the bully and gives the bully a bloody nose. Whereupon the bully runs home to mother blubbering.
                            They won't do it. Oh a few individual nations like Iran will probably stand up and say something but the vast majority? They'll refuse to act. Hopefully someone will arrange a counter vote supporting Ukraine's right to defend itself. Even better one that includes a statement to the effect that Ukraine's invasion is a direct result of Moscow's own actions.
                            Last edited by Monash; 13 Aug 24,, 00:36.
                            If you are emotionally invested in 'believing' something is true you have lost the ability to tell if it is true.


                            • Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post

                              Pot meet kettle!
                              What I used a lengthy post to point out, You managed with three words!
                              When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. - Anais Nin


                              • It may be just a random coincidence that a “mysterious” fire broke out in the Russian occupied Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Coincidental with Ukrainian forces engaged inside Russia.
                                Of course Russia was quick to blame the fire on a Ukrainian attack!
                                As if anyone with two functioning neurons would believe that! That Ukraine would risk a second Chernobyl inside the Ukrainian heartland.
                                At the same time the Ukrainian thrust in the Kursk area is getting uncomfortably (seen with Russian eyes!) close (40 miles West of Kursk!!) to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plan.!The third largest nuclear plant in Russia!!!
                                So one hypothesis might be that Russia is afraid of a “Mexican standoff”! Where two knife fighters are holding a knife at each other’s throats!
                                Sure the plant might be heavily defended, but the Ukrainians wouldn’t even have to take the plant, just get within artillery range!!!

                                When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. - Anais Nin

