A: SK exists today because over 36000 American dead and over 100000 American wounded put up their lives to pull it back from the brink of annihilation. It thrived for the last 60 years because of constant US protection. The sole reason that the American homeland is under threat from NK today is America's defense of SK. You better believe that we've EARNED the right to act in our own interests.
B: How does KJU know you're not trying to end his regime? You tell him with your actions and your words. He'll see exactly what you are up to by the scope of your target set. You state your precise objectives publicly to the world and continuously telegraph your willingness to reach a negotiated settlement even as you are pounding his weapons production infrastructure to dust.
B: How does KJU know you're not trying to end his regime? You tell him with your actions and your words. He'll see exactly what you are up to by the scope of your target set. You state your precise objectives publicly to the world and continuously telegraph your willingness to reach a negotiated settlement even as you are pounding his weapons production infrastructure to dust.