Originally posted by WABs_OOE
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As far as i know that road they wanted to build has not been built where they wanted to build it.
This is why in my previous comment, i mentioned status quo.
AIM btw disputes that and says he has evidence they are building again and nothing has been done.
So too say some opposition columnists. Indian Army says bunk.
I've no way of verifying.
No way of verifying if what the previous NSA said was true or not.
Or whether this whole play was a posturing/messaging exercise by India.
The larger picture which is to get a Chinese embassy in Bhutan.
Peel Bhutan away from Indian influence and thereby weaken India's position in any future border settlement.
How's that for overall political intent ?
China has not succeeded with that in this episode. To date there is no Chinese embassy in Bhutan.
The military side is minor, neither is interested in anything bigger.
The line that came out of the Wuhan meet was not to allow differences to turn into disputes.
So status quo holds. In more ways than one : )