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Border face-off: China and India each deploy 3,000 troops

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  • Only reason India does not show up here is Pew does face to face interviews and the corona situation made it harder to do.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	unfavourable views china.jpg
Views:	103
Size:	125.2 KB
ID:	1566601


    • Politicians are elected to serve...far too many don't see it that way - Albany Rifles! || Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it - Mark Twain! || I am a far left millennial!


      • Ashley didn't think there was a 2 front scenario developing as yet

        Milan 15:45

        In a recent essay posted on War on the Rocks, defense analyst Sushant Singh had the following to say, and I thought it was quite interesting. It's getting a lot of attention.

        "For more than five decades, the Indian military has feared one thing above all else - a two-front war with China and Pakistan... Unfortunately for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government, India's close to realizing this nightmare scenario." Do you agree with this rather pessimistic assessment?

        Ashley 16:12

        I don't think it's borne out by the facts on the ground. I mean, there is very clearly Chinese-Pakistani collusion, but that collusion is at the level of politics, where even as the Chinese put pressure on India through diplomacy and through military instruments, the Pakistanis, for example, unveiled a new map of the state of Jammu and Kashmir on the margins of the SEO meeting, which caused India's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval to walk out of the meeting because he thought that the map was, as he called it, a "travesty," or words to that effect. So, there is political collusion in terms of putting pressure on India.

        But I do not see any change, at least no significant change, for example, in Pakistan's military disposition, in Pakistan's military posture, or its alerting system, or in a shift of Pakistani forces from their peacetime positions to wartime positions.

        So, if Sushant's argument is somehow that India is facing, realistically, a two-front war problem right now, I don't quite see the evidence for that.

        I see a major Chinese mobilization in eastern Ladakh, I see a maintenance of the standard posture in the east, around Himachal Pradesh,

        I see Pakistan and its capabilities pretty much in their normal peacetime positions, even as of now.

        There is a live LoC, a live Line of Control, on the India-Pakistan side, there is constant combat with respect to terrorism and counterterrorism operations, some artillery firing, but nothing that is out of the ordinary for this time of year.

        So, I think Sushant's contingency is something that we ought to watch for, but I don't think it's something that is unfolding in real time, at least at the moment.


        • No sense of ownership

          Serving in the PLA is "just a job".

          Click image for larger version

Name:	china mil graffiti.jpg
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Size:	257.7 KB
ID:	1566662
          Last edited by Double Edge; 08 Oct 20,, 18:29.


          • When public opinion gets ahead of govt position

            Click image for larger version  Name:	taiwan foreign ministry.jpg Views:	0 Size:	154.9 KB ID:	1566651

            Click image for larger version  Name:	one china.jpg Views:	0 Size:	36.9 KB ID:	1566652
            Last edited by Double Edge; 08 Oct 20,, 12:23.


            • Wolf warrior diplomacy is make these communist thugs look like a bunch of fools, and not the first time. Circus is their place to be.
              Politicians are elected to serve...far too many don't see it that way - Albany Rifles! || Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it - Mark Twain! || I am a far left millennial!


              • They tried the same thing with Nepal a few months back and editors from 24 Nepali publications got together and wrote a full page rebuttal.

                Having said that this needs to be tracked. It's one thing to get all uppity and make rebuttals but do the actions continue as is or do they quietly self moderate.

                In Nepal I mean.
                Last edited by Double Edge; 08 Oct 20,, 20:50.


                • Nitin was threatened by the Chinese embassy that there would be "serious consequences" over a video he made

                  To date the video remains up and is their most watched



                  • Happy National Day Taiwan

                    Posters wishing Taiwan on National Day show up near Chinese embassy in Delhi days after advisory by China | India Today | Oct 10 2020

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	taj bagga.jpg Views:	0 Size:	50.0 KB ID:	1566710

                    Taj Bagga is who we have to thank for this caper. BJP's candidate who lost the state election in Delhi in Feb. That is why his twitter description says MLA candidate. He's quite a rough type. Just the kind to confront the CCP.

                    Could it be a trial balloon by the govt ? hmmm....enough separation to deny. He's not even an MLA. Rogue actor ? lol.

                    Indians berate China, defend Taiwan | Taipei Times | Oct 10 2020

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Taiwan ads.jpg Views:	0 Size:	129.6 KB ID:	1566707

                    It was WION that ran the ads. And see the papers Indian Express and the Stateman.

                    Why not more like TOI. Are they getting Chinese funding ?

                    Or just two papers this year is enough to make the point. The story would be taken up by others any way.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Taiwan FM.jpg Views:	0 Size:	99.3 KB ID:	1566708
                    What has endeared Taiwan to me is this whole Wuhan virus thing ?

                    Without doing anything they came out ahead because they were blocked at the WHO.

                    Had we listened to Taiwan's CDC the world would have been better off.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	1 billion for Taiwan.jpg Views:	0 Size:	47.3 KB ID:	1566713
                    You got that right
                    Last edited by Double Edge; 11 Oct 20,, 06:47.


                    • Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                      Here's the original source of that video. This site explains it.

                      New recruits. They just left home for the army. They did look a bit young.

                      It's funny how something Zaid Hamid confused got repeated in Taiwan. Surely they would know better.

                      Originally posted by one comment
                      It’s better to surrender and join the Indian army, and it’s more dignified
                      Last edited by Double Edge; 11 Oct 20,, 03:59.


                      • 'India needs US as ally': Mike Pompeo calls for closer ties with New Delhi, cites Chinese threat | FP | Oct 10 2020

                        We have $545bn in foreign reserves. That's the kitty in case of a war.

                        With $100bn cannot last more than 2 months or 90 days supply. With what we have we can fight 10 - 15 months.

                        I cannot see us going to war with China because neither side has much to gain and a big bill at the end of it.

                        In any case, the US & Europe will give us arms and the ME will keep the oil flowing.


                        • If war erupts, IOR region will be cut off for Chinese vessels (PLAN+trade). How long can China afford this blockade? I said this earlier, that China should have kept low for another 15 years, or 10 at the very least, build up, and dominate Asia. Then a kitty came along. Oh, and if the need arises, India can get weapons and oil in deferred payment.
                          Politicians are elected to serve...far too many don't see it that way - Albany Rifles! || Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it - Mark Twain! || I am a far left millennial!


                          • Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                            If war erupts, IOR region will be cut off for Chinese vessels (PLAN+trade). How long can China afford this blockade?
                            Many months if not years. Because there are alternative routes and we don't have enough boats to do it with.

                            By 'we' i mean even quad does not have enough boats, not just India.

                            The Indian media hasn't got the memo yet.


                            OOE always bangs on about listening to the military. Well, here's an admiral talking.

                            Fighting the PLA navy is one thing, a blockade of trade entirely another.

                            If China interferes with navigation in the SCS, we can interfere with their navigation in the Indian ocean. That's the best you can expect.

                            Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                            I said this earlier, that China should have kept low for another 15 years, or 10 at the very least, build up, and dominate Asia. Then a kitty came along. Oh, and if the need arises, India can get weapons and oil in deferred payment.
                            Should China start a war who will trust them after ? this is the other reason, they will end up with the world against them. It makes no sense.

                            However limited engagements remain a possibility. They will have to be really limited because its hard to stop them getting bigger.
                            Last edited by Double Edge; 12 Oct 20,, 15:24.


                            • Originally posted by Double Edge View Post
                              Many months if not years. Because there are alternative routes and we don't have enough boats to do it with. The Indian media hasn't got the memo yet.


                              OOE always bangs on about listening to the military. Well, here's an admiral talking.

                              Fighting the PLA navy is one thing, a blockade of trade entirely another.

                              If China interferes with navigation in the SCS, we can interfere with their navigation in the Indian ocean. That's the best you can expect.
                              Hmmm, reluctantly agree. India should have stared modernising its defence forces since 2000, with a GDP share of 5%.

                              Should China start a war who will trust them ? this is the other reason, they will end with the world against them. It makes no sense.

                              However limited engagements remain a possibility. They will have to be really limited because its hard to stop them getting bigger.
                              Chinese are winning without fighting. They have crept on Indian ands for decades. Now, they call it theirs, and we don't even talk about it in UN. Won't change anything, but why don't we talk.
                              Politicians are elected to serve...far too many don't see it that way - Albany Rifles! || Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it - Mark Twain! || I am a far left millennial!


                              • Originally posted by Oracle View Post
                                Chinese are winning without fighting. They have crept on Indian ands for decades. Now, they call it theirs, and we don't even talk about it in UN. Won't change anything, but why don't we talk.
                                I don't know about winning but why aren't they getting called out ?

                                Public opinion is ahead of the official policy. See the comments

                                The general educated Public’s reading is that India’s response is a “SISSY” response. Why so ?!
                                These retired diplomats obviously old school who cannot handle status change towards statusquo , try to remain non controversial in spite of the need to question , voice and fight it ...The same diplomats, bureaucrats sitting in those key decision making positions have kept India on a Statusquo and see where we are now ..China is 5 times India , past Spineless govts and useless diplomats have put India static for too long in every front..
                                Diplomats and diplomacy...ruined our politicians and our military...they cannot talk straight! One can understand a bit of restraint till things are clear...but running away from realities and hiding behind US elections is just too much! They talk every thing about NOTHING...What a pity!!!
                                Art of saying nothing Diplomats. Useless people. Call a spade a spade.
                                Fence sitters defines these babus/desi-Madamjis from FSI in Delhi and thats how they were trained. No leadership skills or quality shown and that is the reason India is where it is now because of a lack of guts and no decision making skills.India needs a breed of fresh,confident foreign service officers who represent India well overseas These old croots have just been taking their monthly paycheque,enjoy a few sauvignon blancs in their foreign jaunts and snore in their sleep.Grow a pair diplomatically!
                                Throughout history nations have sought alliances to counter its adversary. Countries with more number of alliances have always won conflicts. India seems only country which wants to go alone despite having many willing friends. In my opinion it is a mistake.
                                Last edited by Double Edge; 12 Oct 20,, 16:02.

