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Remembering 1962 China war heros.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jay View Post
    You passed up an opportunity.
    I didn't want the poor little boy to get scared by knowing that he had the prospect of being fathered by a Dinasaur.;)
    sigpicAnd on the sixth day, God created the Field Artillery...


    • #32
      Originally posted by Knaur Amarsh View Post
      Well Major DCL is now considered a member of the elders
      Elder? On par with the Jurrasics relics? :))
      sigpicAnd on the sixth day, God created the Field Artillery...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Deltacamelately View Post
        Elder? On par with the Jurrasics relics? :))
        i think we are deveating from the actual descussion


        • #34
          we chinese have our own heros to remember from that war


          【半个多世纪以来,戍守在世界屋脊之屋脊的阿里官兵,在高寒缺氧、气候恶劣、环境艰苦的生命禁区,丹心铸军 魂,热血写忠诚,留下了一个个惊天动地、催人泪下的故事。

          司马义买买提,男,维吾尔族,新疆英吉沙县人。1940年出生,1960年7月入伍,中国共产党预备党员。 1962年10月在中印边境自卫反击作战中,为掩护战友英勇牺牲。国防部特授予他“战斗英雄”荣誉称号,并 追认他为中国共产党正式党员。

          时间的长河可以冲淡人们脑中的一般记忆。但是,人民英雄的光辉形象,却能永远地镌刻在人们的心 间。
          维吾尔族英雄司马义·买买提可歌可泣的英勇事迹就是这样,历经40余年,却依然激励着一代代的 官兵。
          1962年初冬。几场大雪过后,山谷里一丛丛的红柳叶子早已被高原上的寒风吹了个精光,留下的枝干却显得更 加挺拔、红艳,迸发也一种特有的活力。
          10月27日,一个晴朗的早晨。司马义·买买提和3班的战友们正乘车在祖国西北边疆的高山峻岭 间。
          突然,从西南方向传来一阵猛烈的枪声,划破了山谷里的宁静。新近入侵到这里的印度敌军,凭借居高临下的优势 ,向我边防巡逻小分队进行突然袭击。密集的子弹在战士们头顶上嘶鸣着,周围腾起一团团烟尘。
          汽车的右前轮胎被子弹打穿,驾驶员负了重伤,倒在了方向盘上。抛了锚的汽车,暴露在一片开阔地 带。
          这当儿,副连长乌甫尔木沙,迅速观察了一下地形,只见在汽车周围几十米内,连个坑坑洼洼都没有。他们完全处 在入侵敌人的火力网下,躲无法躲,退无法退。
          龟缩在半山腰工事里的敌人,得寸进尺,吱哩哇啦嚎叫着,枪声越发密集了,子弹像雨点似地倾泻过 来。
          在自己的国土上,竟遭到了如此猖狂地攻击,是可忍,孰不可忍!战士们再也不能忍受了。为了祖国的神圣领土不 受侵犯,为了中华民族的尊严,他们一致要求副连长快下命令还击。
          但是,在敌人这样猛烈的火力压制下,只靠一些自动步枪和冲锋枪还击,无法压住敌人火力,必须发挥重机枪的威 力。而架在司机棚上的重机枪,枪口原朝着正面,现在要从敌人的火力封锁下,把枪口调转过来,势必造成极大的 伤亡。
          副连长乌甫尔木沙紧盯着驾驶棚上的那挺重机枪,思考着调转枪口的办法。这时,敌人更加疯狂,不断地胡乱喊叫 着,子弹落在汽车上,噼叭乱响,车厢上的木板被打得四处乱飞。
          一种牺牲自己、扭转战局的念头,在司马义买买提班长的心中升起。只见他眼睛里闪耀着仇恨的光芒,毅然掂起冲 锋枪,一个箭步跳到车厢后端,挺起身子,抠动枪机,朝着入侵敌人,急速射击。
          果然,司马义·买买提这一举动,立刻吸引了敌人的火力,轻重武器一齐向他射来。机不可失。副连长乌甫木沙一 边迅速组织大家移动重机枪,一边喊道:“三班长,卧倒,快卧倒!”
          “别管我,赶快调转枪口!”在激烈的枪弹声中,司马义·买买提大声吼着。他的话音刚落,就觉得身子像被什么 东西推了一下,猛地一震,一颗子弹从他左手腕穿过,打进他的胸膛。殷红的鲜血,顺着伤口涌了出 来。
          一阵剧烈的疼痛,使他额头上冒出了豆粒大的汗珠。他把牙咬得嘎嘎响,却没有哼一声。他想:要是同志们知道自 己负了伤,一定会影响战斗。然而,副班长和战士艾斯拜尔、乌斯满还是看到了,他们扑过来问:“班长,班长, 你怎么了?”
          弹夹里的子弹打光了。他一手捂住伤口,一手从腰部子弹袋里拔出备用的弹夹,插上膛去。他将身子移到车厢中部 ,用车厢作依托,顶住胸部伤口,继续向侵略军猛烈射击。
          子弹又打光了,司马义·买买提再次更换弹夹。敌人看他不再还击,误以为是被他们消灭了,就又调整火力,向驾 驶棚上调转机枪口的战士们射击了。
          司马义·买买提猛然往起一站,手中的冲锋枪又怒吼了,敌人又慌忙集中火力对付他。这时,他的右肋又中了弹。 他咬着牙,身子挺得更直,冲锋枪打得更猛烈了,他边打边喊:“架好机枪,向侵略军开火啊!”
          不幸的是,第3颗子弹又打中了他的胸膛。他的声音渐渐地微弱起来。但是,那染满鲜血的高大身躯,毅然像一座 山峰,屹立在那里,眼睛里喷射着怒火,逼视着敌人。他以自己的英勇、机智,为战友们刻赢得了一段宝贵的时间 。战友们终于调转了枪口,重机枪怒吼着向敌人开火了。
          正义的枪弹,压住了邪恶的敌人。司马义·买买提意识到自己的任务已经完成,绷紧的神经开始松驰,身子慢慢地 倒了下来。他动了动嘴唇,想说什么,只觉得气力不够。歇了会儿,他用充满着激情的眼神,环顾一下生死与共的 战友们,喃喃地说:“副连长,我不行了……同志们,勇敢地战斗……”



          • #35
            our soldiers who fought and died in that war were buried at the highest cemetery in the world,we always remember them and will never let them down.


            康西瓦,位于喀喇昆仑山腹地,海拔4280米,1962年中印自卫反击作战时为新疆、南疆两级军区前线指挥 所。康西瓦烈士陵园就矗立在康西瓦前指对面的半山坡上。1962年中印自卫反击作战以来,有100多位烈士 长眠在这里,化作了共和国西部边关的巍巍山脉。

              60年代初,印度军队奉行所谓的"前进政策",在中印边境西段不断越过传统习惯线,大量蚕蚀我国领土, 建立了43处侵略据点。1962年10月20日,印军悍然在中印边界东西段同时向我发动大规模武装进攻,我 被迫进行自卫反击作战。在西段地区,新疆军区组织机动部队和边防一线守点分队共约1个加强团的兵力,在北起 神仙湾,南至扎西岗,正面600公里的地域内,配合东段我军主力作战,于天文点、河尾滩、空喀山口、阿里4 个方向对入侵印军之114旅实施反击,全部清除了印军入侵设立的43个据点,给敌人以沉重打击。在这次自卫 反击作战中,我共歼敌434人(毙265人,伤169人),缴获各种枪支402 支,各种火炮37门及其它军用物资一批,我军牺牲104人,伤224人。

             根据新疆军区前指首长指示,我西线参战部队阿里方向阵亡官兵安葬于狮泉河,天空方向阵亡干部安葬于叶城, 阵亡士兵安葬在康西瓦。据此,有83名牺牲战士安葬在康西瓦。这83名烈士中,一等功臣3名,二等功臣9名 ,三等功臣12名,另有维吾尔族烈士6名,最高职务是副排长。


               1965年5月,新疆维吾尔自治区党委、自治区人民政府拨出专款,为康西瓦陵园修建纪念碑,为烈士立墓碑, 并正式命名为"康西瓦烈士陵园"。对印自卫反击作战以后,该陵园又陆继安葬天空防区因公牺牲和病故军人23 名。目前,陵园共安葬牺牲、病故革命军人106名。

               青山有幸埋忠骨。烈士们虽然走了,但他们的精神、它们的英魂常在!喀喇昆仑山上的官兵仍把他们视为相伴的战 友。每每路过烈士陵园,都要为烈士们点上烟、敬上酒,以示敬仰和祭奠。

               我曾多次到过烈士陵园祭奠烈士。每每看到墓碑上姓名、籍贯、部队代号、职务等简单的碑文,与我,都是一次心 灵的震撼。



               为不让烈士的英灵孤独,2000 年8月,南疆军区决定把烈士陵园迁至山下。承办者的车拐进去烈士陵园的路口,连爆三次轮胎。先烈们的魂灵已 融进了他们誓死保卫的国土,融进了与他们相伴半个多世纪的高原,他们不愿离开啊!




              姓 名 部 别 籍 贯 牺牲年月 奖励等级
              梁福海 3779部队报务员 甘肃甘谷 61年5月病故
              潘发枝 7979部队副排长 甘肃民勤 62年10月牺牲 一等功
              罗德清 7972部队战士 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲 一等功
              秦振清 7979部队战士 湖南湘阴 62年11月牺牲 一等功
              相文浩 7971部队战士 四川乐至 62年11月牺牲 二等功]
              王向理 7975部队战士 山西崞县 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              周兆瑞 7971部队战士 河南焦作 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              罗哲根 7978部队战士 湖南衡阳 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              鄢登勇 7972部队战士 四川简阳 62年11月牺牲 二等功
              吴丙印 7972部队班长 河南濮阳 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              全贵友 7972部队班长 湖南长沙 62年12月牺牲 二等功
              吴来生 7972部队班长 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              李宗喜 7972部队班长 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲 二等功
              祝德金 7971部队战士 河南原阳 62年8月牺牲 三等功
              贾扎根 7972部队战士 河南浑县 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              郝根武 7972部队战士 河南长垣 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              邓长庚 7972部队战士 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              崔相道 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              刘九玉 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年10月牺牲 三等功

              闵学温 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              焦好人 7972部队班长 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              卡子戈 7972部队战士 甘肃甘南 62年11月牺牲 三等功
              九志茂 7972部队班长 河南酒泉 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              邢胜贤 7972部队战士 河南长垣 62年11月牺牲 三等功
              李炎彬 7978部队副班长 湖南湘阴 62年10月牺牲 三等功
              李连科 7972部队战士 湖南长沙 62年11月牺牲
              彭国林 7972部队战士 湖南临湘 62年7月病故
              王贵生 7978部队战士 甘肃兰州 62年牺牲

            晋朝福 7975部队战士 四川简阳 62年牺牲
              吴洪良 7971部队战士 四川乐至 62年11月牺牲
              鄢家发 7971部队战士 四川简阳 62年10月牺牲
              谢孟初 7978部队战士 湖南湘阴 62年10月牺牲
              王宪儿 7978部队副班长 甘肃秦安 62年10月病故
              王湖虎 7979部队副班长 甘肃武山 62年10月牺牲
              景润保 8072部队战士 (籍贯和牺牲、病故时间不详)
              谢玉柱 7979部队副班长 四川乐至 62年11月牺牲
              王孝弟 7975部队班长 河南灵宝 62年10月牺牲
              张现云 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年11月牺牲
              汪定华 7972部队战士 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲
              张祥明 7978部队副班长 甘肃静宁 62年10月牺牲
              赵尚灵 7975部队副班长 甘肃天水 62年10月牺牲

              倪邦海 7979部队副班长 四川乐至 62年11月牺牲
              宋文益 7979部队副班长 湖南湘阴 62年11月牺牲
              王定钩 7979部队班长 甘肃静宁 62年11月牺牲
              系文学 7979部队副班长 湖南湘阴 62年11月牺牲
              王德有 7978部队战士 河南焦作 62年10月牺牲
              武廷爱 7972部队副班长 甘肃高台 62年10月牺牲
              李登弟 7979部队副班长 甘肃静宁 62年10月牺牲
              王茂吉 7978部队战士 甘肃庄浪 62年10月牺牲
              李吉荣 7979部队战士 河南浑县 62年11月牺牲
              刘生全 7975部队战士 甘肃安息 62年10月牺牲
              赵福根 7979部队战士 甘肃静宁 62年11月牺牲
              张万善 7986部队班长 河南开封 62年10月牺牲
              罗德文 7979部队班长 甘肃静宁 62年11月牺牲
              高家斌 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年10月牺牲
              代建民 7978部队战士 湖南长沙 62年11月牺牲
              王洪胜 7972部队战士 河南温县 62年10月牺牲
              白善城 7975部队战士 陕西山阴 62年10月牺牲
              徐文涛 7978部队战士 湖南湘阴 62年10月牺牲
              吴荣桂 7979部队副班长 湖南湘阴 62年10月牺牲
              刘长发 7978部队 陕西城固 62年11月牺牲
              刘祖积 7971部队战士 四川乐至 62年10月牺牲
              孙根满 7979部队副班长 甘肃静宁 62年11月牺牲

              王云超 7979部队班长 四川乐至 62年10月牺牲
              张信华 7979部队副班长 四川乐至 62年10月牺牲
              田忠生 7979部队副班长 甘肃庄浪 62年10月牺牲
              张立道 7972部队战士 河南博爱 62年10月牺牲
              李福太 7979部队战士 河南获嘉 62年11月牺牲
              李贵铭 7997部队战士 甘肃酒泉 62年11月牺牲
              蔡天文 7975部队副班长 甘肃武威 62年10月牺牲
              蒋声钩 7978部队战士 河南祁东 62年10月牺牲
              王再清 7979部队战士 四川乐至 62年11月牺牲
              魏俊邦 7979部队班长 甘肃静宁 62年11月牺牲
              梁培勤 7972部队班长 甘肃酒泉 62年10月牺牲
              蒋新年 7978部队副班长 湖南常平 62年病故
              陈正求 7978部队战士 湖南湘阴 62年10月牺牲
              黄明德 7972部队副班长 湖南长沙 62年10月牺牲
              朱稍平 7978部队副班长 甘肃静宁 62年9月牺牲
              居满艾里 7994部队战士(维吾尔族) 新疆阿克苏 62年10月牺牲
              托乎拉 7994部队战士(维吾尔族) 新疆乌什 62年10月病故
              玉素甫 7994部队战士(维吾尔族) 新疆伊犁 62年10月牺牲
              阿不里米提(维吾尔族)7974部队班长 新疆莎车 62年11月牺牲
                高根柱 7978部队战士 河南 64年6月病故
              吴吉华 7998部队战士 陕西兴平 64年病故
              姓 名 部 别 籍 贯 牺牲年月 奖励等级
              黄金录 7978部队战士 甘肃兰州
              毛生福 7979部队战士 甘肃城固 65年病故
              张成兴 7978部队战士 陕西西乡 66年6月病故
              张克华 36923部队副班长 河南延建 82年2月牺牲
              李建增 36923部队战士 河南临汝 82年2月牺牲
              姚绍文 36923部队班长 湖南桃源 82年2月牺牲
              熊兴民 四川长县 82年因公牺牲
              杨相军 36923部队战士 四川宜宾 82年2月牺牲
              魏存良 36923部队战士 四川宜宾 82年2月牺牲
              阿加福 36923部队战士 四川什祁 82年2月牺牲
              赵根奇 36923部队战士 河南临汝 82年2月牺牲
              王忠昆 36125部队战士 河南息县 82年因公牺牲
              张 伟 36125部队战士 陕西米脂 83年因公牺牲
              徐建国 36125部队战士 河南潢川 83年病故
              王天勇 36224部队


            • #36
              xizhimen, I think you are trying to type in Chinese characters, it is not compatible and is illegible.
              When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep? - George Canning sigpic


              • #37
                if we have to fight another war out there, we will definitely show the world that we are much better fighters,just like what we did in the olympic games.


                • #38
                  Google translation of the above

                  China and India fight back in self-defense at the expense of the list of martyrs

                  Kangxiwar, located in the hinterland of the Karakoram, 4280 meters above sea level, in 1962 China and India fight back in self-defense when fighting for Xinjiang, southern Xinjiang Military Region both front-line command post. Kangxi Walie Shi Kangxiwar in the cemetery stands on the former refers to the opposite slope of the Mid-Levels. 1962 China and India fight back in self-defense operations, there have been more than 100 martyrs were buried here, into the customs border of the western region of the Republic of the lofty mountains.

                  In the early 60's, the Indian army to pursue the so-called "forward policy" in the western part of China and India continue to cross the border line with the traditions and customs, a large number of erosion of our territory, a stronghold of aggression 43. October 20, 1962, the Indian Army in the Sino-Indian border flagrantly things to the paragraph at the same time I launched a large-scale armed attack, I am forced to fight back in self-defense operations. In the western section of the region, the Xinjiang Military Tactical Unit and the Organization of the border Shou-point first-line team of about a mission to strengthen the forces in the North Bay since immortal, as far south as Tashi Kong, 600 km of positive territory, with the eastern section of the main army Operations, in astronomy, the end of River Bay, the mouth air Kazan, Ali 4 on the direction of the Indian invasion of the implementation of the 114 brigade back, to clear all the Indian invasion to set up 43 positions to a heavy blow to the enemy. The acting in self-defense in combat, I annihilating enemies were 434 people (to death 265 people and injuring 169 people), and seized a variety of firearms, 402, 37 kinds of artillery and other military supplies group, at the expense of our military 104 people and injuring 224.

                  According to the Xinjiang Military Region, referring to the former head of the instructions, I Ali western troops killed in the direction of officers and soldiers buried in Shiquanhe, the direction of the air cadres killed in action in the Yecheng buried, buried in the Kangxiwar soldiers killed in action. Accordingly, there is at the expense of 83 soldiers buried in the Kangxiwar. This 83 martyrs, first-class hero 3, second-class hero 9, Hill 12, third class, and another Uighur 6 martyrs, is the highest post, deputy platoon leader.

                  Walie Shi Kang Xi cemetery

                  In May 1965, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee, the regional people's government allocated special funds for the construction of the monument Kangxiwar cemetery for the martyrs tombstone legislation, and officially named the "Kang Xi Walie Shi cemetery." India fight back in self-defense after the cemetery following the burial land and the sky as a result of territorial defense at the expense of the public and 23 soldiers died. At present, the cemetery for burial at the expense of the total, 106 soldiers died revolution.

                  Zhong buried in honor of Castle Peak bone. Although the martyrs gone, but their spirit, their Yinghun often! Karakoram mountains of the officers and men still accompany them as comrades-in-arms. Often passed by the martyrs cemetery, to be martyrs point on tobacco, liquor Sincerely, to show respect and to hold a memorial ceremony.

                  I have said many times have been to hold a memorial ceremony for the martyrs cemetery of the martyrs. Whenever we see the names on the tombstones, country of origin, code-named units, functions such as simple inscriptions, and I, is a mental shock.

                  They just Shiba Jiu, the 20-year-old!

                  Parents in her son died for the country even after the tombstone is difficult to see ah!

                  Not for the lonely souls of the martyrs, in August 2000, the Southern Xinjiang Military Region have decided to move down the mountain martyrs cemetery. The contractor's vehicle to turn into a martyr to the junction of the cemetery, even burst tires three times. Ghost of the martyrs who have been into a fight to the death to defend their territory, into accompanying them with more than half a century of the plateau, they do not want to leave ah!

                  Later, the matter had to give up.

                  Let us pay tribute to the martyrs!

                  Walie Shi Kang Xi cemetery at the expense of the list of deceased persons

                  Department of the names of other origin at the expense of years Incentive level
                  Leung Fu-hai forces officer Gansu 3779 Gangu 61 years died in May
                  Pan-fat sticks of 7979 troops, deputy platoon leader Minqin, Gansu 62 years in October at the expense of first -
                  Luo Deqing 7972 in Changsha, Hunan forces soldiers 62 years in October at the expense of first -
                  Qin Qing forces soldiers in Hunan 7979 Xiangyin 62 years in November at the expense of first -
                  Mr Au with 7971 soldiers to 62 years in Sichuan Music in November at the expense of Merit Citation Class II]
                  Wang Li to 7975 soldiers Guo Mountain County in Shanxi Province 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Zhou Zhaorui 7971 soldiers in Henan Jiaozuo 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Luo Zhe-gen 7978 soldiers in Hunan Hengyang 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Deng Yan-7972 fighter force in Jianyang in Sichuan Province 62 years in November at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Miss India 7972 C forces squad leader Henan Puyang 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Guiyou 7972 full-squad units in Changsha, Hunan 62 years in December at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Lai-Sheng Wu 7972 in Changsha, Hunan squad forces 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Li Zongxi 7972 in Changsha, Hunan squad forces 62 years in October at the expense of Merit Citation Class II
                  Gold Force fighter Zhude 7971 in Henan Province of the original 62-year-yang in August at the expense of third class
                  7972 Guzha root forces soldiers muddy County in Henan Province 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  Root 7972 Wu Hao forces soldiers Henan Changyuan 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  7972 Deng Changgeng forces soldiers in Changsha, Hunan 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  Choi Sang-7972 Road Warrior Force Henan fraternity 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  Liu Yu-nine soldiers in Henan 7972 fraternity 62 years in October at the expense of third class

                  Min Xue Wen 7972 soldiers 62 brotherhood in Henan Province in October at the expense of third class
                  Jiao good squad unit 7972 in Changsha, Hunan 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  Ge Force fighter clamp 7972 Gannan in Gansu Province 62 years in November at the expense of third class
                  Chi-mao Kau 7972 squad units in Henan Jiuquan 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  7972 Yin Xing Sheng Henan forces soldiers Changyuan 62 years in November at the expense of third class
                  Li Bin, deputy head of Hunan 7978 troops Xiangyin 62 years in October at the expense of third class
                  The Minister of State Section 7972 in Changsha, Hunan forces soldiers 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Mr Pang 7972 Linxiang forces soldiers in Hunan 62 years died in July
                  7978 WANG Gui-sheng forces soldiers 62 years at the expense of Lanzhou in Gansu Province

                  Fu Jin dynasty 7975 soldiers 62 years at the expense of Jianyang in Sichuan
                  7971 Wu Hongliang forces soldiers to 62 years in Sichuan Music in November at the expense of
                  Yan-issuing 7971 troop of 62 soldiers in Jianyang in Sichuan Province in October at the expense of
                  Xie forces soldiers early 7978 Hunan Xiangyin 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Wang 7978 infants forces Gansu Qin, deputy squad leader of 62 years died in October
                  Wang Wu-hu 7979 troops, deputy head of Gansu Wushan 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Jing Jun 8072 Security Force soldiers (and at the expense of origin, died an unknown time)
                  Xie Yuzhu, deputy head of Sichuan 7979 troops to music 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Wang Xiaodi 7975 squad forces 62 years Lingbao in Henan Province in October at the expense of
                  Zhang Yun is now 7972 soldiers 62 brotherhood in Henan Province in November at the expense of
                  Wang Ding-hua 7972 in Changsha, Hunan forces soldiers 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Zhang Xiangming, deputy head of Gansu 7978 troops Jingning 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Zhao Ling is still 7975 troops, deputy head of Gansu Tianshui 62 years in October at the expense of

                  Bang-Hai Ni 7979 troops, deputy head of Sichuan Music in November to 62 years at the expense of
                  Song Yi, deputy head of Hunan 7979 troops Xiangyin 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Wang is scheduled troop hook 7979 squad Gansu Jingning 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Department of Literature 7979 troops in Hunan Xiang Yin, deputy squad leader of 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Wang has 7978 soldiers in Henan Jiaozuo 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Wu Ting Ai, deputy head of Gansu 7972 troops that the high-profile 62-year in October at the expense of
                  Li Dengdi 7979 troops, deputy head of Gansu Jingning 62 years in October at the expense of
                  7978 Wang Maoji forces soldiers Gansu Zhuanglang 62 years in October at the expense of
                  7979 Li Jirong forces soldiers muddy County in Henan Province 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Liu 7975 all-forces soldiers Gansu rest in peace at the expense of 62 years in October
                  Zhao Kan 7979 soldiers Gansu Jingning 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Zhang million in 7986 forces of good squad leader in Kaifeng, Henan 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Luo Wen 7979 squad forces Gansu Jingning 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Gao Bin 7972 soldiers 62 brotherhood in Henan Province in October at the expense of
                  Jianmin 7978 on behalf of the soldiers in Changsha, Hunan 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Wang Hongsheng 7972 in Wen County, Henan forces soldiers 62 years in October at the expense of
                  7975 Sun City, Shaanxi forces soldiers Sanin 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Xu Wentao 7978 Xiangyin, Hunan forces soldiers 62 years in October at the expense of
                  7979 forces Wurong Gui Xiang Yin, deputy head of Hunan 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Liu hair Shaanxi Chenggu 7978 troops 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Liu 7971 plot to force soldiers Sichuan music 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Sun Vice root over 7979 troops in Gansu squad Jingning 62 years in November at the expense of

                  Wang Chao 7979 troops to monitor Sichuan music 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Chang Hsin-hua, deputy head of Sichuan 7979 troops to music 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Tian-sheng, deputy head of Gansu 7979 troops Zhuanglang 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Zhang 7972 Road Warrior Force Henan fraternity 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Li Tai 7979 Henan forces soldiers on the spot at the expense of 62 years in November
                  Li Guiming 7997 Jiuquan, Gansu forces soldiers 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Cai 7975 astronomical units Wuwei in Gansu Province, deputy squad leader of 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Chiang sound hook 7978 in Henan Province Qidong forces soldiers 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Wang Zaiqing 7979 Sichuan forces soldiers to music 62 years in November at the expense of
                  7979 Weijun Bang forces squad leader Gansu Jingning 62 years in November at the expense of
                  Force Liang Peiqin 7972 squad Jiuquan, Gansu 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Chiang New Year's 7978 troops in Hunan Chang-ping, deputy squad leader of 62 years died
                  Chen 7978 for soldiers in Hunan Xiangyin 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Huang Mingde 7972 troops Changsha, Hunan Province, deputy squad leader of 62 years in October at the expense of
                  Zhu Ping slightly troops, deputy head of Gansu 7978 Jingning 62 years in September at the expense of
                  Home 7994 full Erica forces soldiers (Uygur), Xinjiang Aksu 62 years in October at the expense of
                  7994 troops pull even asked the soldiers (Uygur), Xinjiang Wushi 62 years died in October
                  7994 Yusup forces soldiers (Uygur) Ili in Xinjiang at the expense of 62 years in October
                  Ah no, M (Uygur) 7974 squad forces in Xinjiang in November Shache 62 years at the expense of
                  The other two heroes Uygur information to be added
                  Kogan 7978 column forces soldiers Henan 64 years died in June
                  WU Ji-China forces 7998 soldiers died in Shaanxi Xingping 64
                  Department of the names of other origin at the expense of years Incentive level
                  Gold recorded in 7978 forces soldiers Lanzhou, Gansu
                  Fu Mao 7979 soldiers died in Gansu Chenggu 65
                  Zhang Xing 7978 Nishigo forces soldiers Shaanxi 66 years died in June

                  Zhang Kehua 36,923 troops, deputy squad leader, Henan 82-year deferral at the expense of Feb.
                  Li troops by 36,923 soldiers in Henan Linru 82 years at the expense of Feb.
                  Yao Wen 36,923 troops in Hunan squad Taoyuan 82 years at the expense of Feb.
                  Chang-Min Xiong County, Sichuan Province as a result of 82 years at the expense of the public
                  Yang Jun 36,923 troops with soldiers in Sichuan Yibin 82 years at the expense of Feb.
                  Wei-liang keep 36,923 soldiers in Sichuan Yibin 82 years at the expense of Feb.
                  A Jiafu forces 36,923 soldiers in 82 four-Chuan Shen Qi at the expense of Feb.
                  Cho Keun-odd soldiers Henan 36,923 troops Linru 82 years at the expense of Feb.
                  Wang Zhongkun 36,125 soldiers County, Henan income as a result of 82 years at the expense of the public
                  Zhang Wei forces 36,125 soldiers in Shaanxi Mizhi 83 years at the expense of the public
                  Xu Jianguo 36,125 soldiers died in Henan Huangchuan 83
                  Wang Tian-Yong 36,224 troops


                  • #39
                    i just copied the chinese killed in action list from a chinese site,our war heros from that war.


                    • #40
                      wow.that translation is so fast!but not exactly as the one i posted.
                      Last edited by xizhimen; 26 Nov 08,, 17:11.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by xizhimen View Post
                        if we have to fight another war out there, we will definitely show the world that we are much better fighters,just like what we did in the olympic games.
                        If speaking from a military point of view, the 1962 War represented the height of PLA professional combat performance.

                        If speaking from a soldier's point of view, the war is over. Rest In Peace to all who have Fallen whether they wore the Red Star or the Tri Colours.


                        • #42
                          Indian Gentlemen,

                          I think you should thank Xizhimen for this info. For the first time, you have info from the Chinese side of that war. You have names which is more than you have had before.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by xizhimen View Post
                            i just copied the chinese killed in action list from a chinese site,our war heros from that war.
                            Ok thank you, I am able to read from Col. OoE's post now.
                            When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep? - George Canning sigpic


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                              Indian Gentlemen,

                              I think you should thank Xizhimen for this info. For the first time, you have info from the Chinese side of that war. You have names which is more than you have had before.
                              very informative from chinese side... need some more info from their side about what they think the exact objectives to attack india


                              • #45
                                From the Chinese's POV, it is the other way around, China was being attacked during one of her worst economic period, the after math of the "great leap forward".
                                “the misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing compared to the misery of not being exploited at all” -- Joan Robinson

