This was one very confused looking former Chinese President Hu who was shown the door at the close of the CCP’s convention.
In front of not only a packed auditorium filled with party faithful, but the television cameras of the whole world,
he was physically ejected from the auditorium by two “ushers”!
Must be quite a come-down, from where you one moment is sitting next to your successor President Xi, to what…?
What caused the breach between the two will probably remain conjecture, but the venue where Xi brought it to light is interesting!
It’s not the first time a despotic leader has used such a venue!
Two come to mind!
Saddam in his heyday at a full meeting with his Party faithful did a variation, in that he started to read names from a list.
As they were read out they were escorted out; most of them to bullet in the back of the head.
Stalin too; at a Communist Party Convention had a list he read out! They too were led out, either to a bullet or a stay in a Gulag.
The choice of venue is what makes it interesting. In all three cases the victims could have been rounded up late at night,
but no, it was done in full view of the faithful!
It hammers two very critical facts in with 7” inch nails!
The absolute power of the person issuing the expulsions!
That in all three cases the venue was carried out in the presence of the party faithful showed them, that no one was sacrosanct!
All hail President-for-Life Xi!!!
In front of not only a packed auditorium filled with party faithful, but the television cameras of the whole world,
he was physically ejected from the auditorium by two “ushers”!
Must be quite a come-down, from where you one moment is sitting next to your successor President Xi, to what…?
What caused the breach between the two will probably remain conjecture, but the venue where Xi brought it to light is interesting!
It’s not the first time a despotic leader has used such a venue!
Two come to mind!
Saddam in his heyday at a full meeting with his Party faithful did a variation, in that he started to read names from a list.
As they were read out they were escorted out; most of them to bullet in the back of the head.
Stalin too; at a Communist Party Convention had a list he read out! They too were led out, either to a bullet or a stay in a Gulag.
The choice of venue is what makes it interesting. In all three cases the victims could have been rounded up late at night,
but no, it was done in full view of the faithful!
It hammers two very critical facts in with 7” inch nails!
The absolute power of the person issuing the expulsions!
That in all three cases the venue was carried out in the presence of the party faithful showed them, that no one was sacrosanct!
All hail President-for-Life Xi!!!