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End of the Imaginary Durand Line

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AbbasRazzaKhan
    Pakistan only redirect American money/arms for mujahideen against Russia. Pakistan then support Taliban in '94 later, years after last Russian soldier left in '89. Pakistan support Taliban for its interest of keeping Afghanistan in turmoil so we cannot get our land back in '93.
    Afghanistan was already in turmoil befor the Sovjet invasion and would have gone to civil war again after they left and US ceased support.

    I ask you how good would Pakistani invasion of Kashmir be without tribals from Afghanistan and Greater Afghanistan (Pakhtunwa)? Pakistan used Afghan without returning favour, rather abuse the country keeping it is unstability.
    Speaking frankly, I think those tribesmen screwd things up badly for us! Kashmir could have been solved diplomatically as Hari Singh was running out of time and options.
    It was only after the invasion of those tribesmen that he fled to India and asked for support.
    India played very smart and refused to provide support unless he'd sign Instrument of Accession which he did!

    So thank you for screwing up.
    How do you suggest we reply that favor?


    • #17
      Originally posted by AbbasRazzaKhan
      That is not correct. Balochistan was under the Afghan Emperor Rahman Khan before 1893 Durrand line agreement, and is rightfully Afghan land today. Those days Russia and England make Afghanistan and IRan buffer betw themselves. Pakistan is another buffer entity made for cold war reasons. It has no right to cal it a country even. Punjab/Sindhi culture same as Gujrat/Punjab, and the rest is Afghani. It is very simple, the powers played and divided people and land unfairly. I dont know about any other but inshahallah we Afghanis will get our Pakhtunwa and Baloch back from Pak Punjab Army!!
      Well keep on dreaming, that will never happen!
      You lack development in each and every field in Afghanistan in its current status.
      A bigger Afghanistan is too much to handle for you guys


      • #18
        Speaking frankly, I think those tribesmen screwd things up badly for us! Kashmir could have been solved diplomatically as Hari Singh was running out of time and options.
        Now now now ! ;)


        • #19
          The India Independence Act left the princes theoretically free to accede to either dominion. The frontier princely states of Dir, Chitral, Amb, and Hunza acceded quickly to Pakistan while retaining substantial autonomy in internal administration and customary law. The khan of Kalat in Balochistan declared independence on August 15, 1947, but offered to negotiate a special relationship with Pakistan. Other Baloch sardar (tribal chiefs) also expressed their preference for a separate identity. Pakistan took military action against them and the khan and brought about their accession in 1948. The state of Bahawalpur, with a Muslim ruler and a Muslim population, acceded to Pakistan, as did Khairpur.

          The maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, unpopular among his subjects, was reluctant to decide on accession to either dominion. He first signed agreements with both Pakistan and India that would provide for the continued flow of people and goods to Kashmir--as it is usually called--from both dominions. Alarmed by reports of oppression of fellow Muslims in Kashmir, armed groups from the North-West Frontier Province entered the maharaja's territory. The ruler requested military assistance from India but had to sign documents acceding to India before that country would provide aid in October 1947.


          • #20
            For how many more years u pakistanis want to carry on with that garbage stuff neo?

            It were pakistanis army with anti social elements like thieves & thugs.
            Hala Madrid!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by indianguy4u
              For how many more years u pakistanis want to carry on with that garbage stuff neo?

              It were pakistanis army with anti social elements like thieves & thugs.
              Indian version!


              • #22
                The attack was intiated by tribesmen, PA got involved!


                • #23
                  Who said so, pakistani textbooks . U need a lesson in history. But doest that all pakistanis need it?
                  Hala Madrid!!


                  • #24
                    Neo, Pak Army begged tribes to attack Kashmir. Your army was incapable to do it itself. Neo, Yes we lag behind. But is only because you, soviet, and america interfered for their benefit. USA and Soviet big big powers. But wily Pak used Islam. Where is your islam now for Taliban?

                    More and more afghan get educated now, we won't be your tool anymore is Kashmir. That is your war, younot care about our islam, so we won't fall for your islam call in kashmir. Afghan fight for afghanistan now on. Pakistan face our raw might if they deny us our pakhtunwa and baloch.


                    • #25
                      The Balochistan issue is open ended.

                      Given the problems, anything can happen.

                      That is one of the reasons why the Balochis are dead agaisnt cantonments being built in their land.

                      "Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination."

                      I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

                      HAKUNA MATATA


                      • #26
                        You cannot blame other countries or powers for your own mass, thats too simple!
                        You created your own war, we had to get involved to stop Sovjets getting to warm waters. Period!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by AbbasRazzaKhan
                          Pakistan face our raw might if they deny us our pakhtunwa and baloch.
                          Really scary!

                          Please describe your 'raw might' as I can't actually get a picture in my wildest immagination how that would be?

                          As far as I know, the coutry is one of the poorest in the world, has almost no natural resources, relies on international funds and aid to even buy food.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Neo
                            You cannot blame other countries or powers for your own mass, thats too simple!
                            You created your own war, we had to get involved to stop Sovjets getting to warm waters. Period!
                            You didnt fight soviet. You got arms money from america, so gave arms to afghans to fight (afghans fought) you kept the money for Afghan development in your pocket. Then 5 years after russia left, your own creation the taliban under Pak Army command entered Kandahar and soon capture almost all of Afghanistan. You again use pretext of islam for your occupation. You are not entitled to take morally high ground about soviet war , nor taliban , nor american war. One way or other Pak try to keep afghan in turmoil so that we dont get our land back that Pak owes us.


                            • #29
                              Pak lives of America and Japanese and Chinese aid. Why are you degrading us? We have seen 5 decades of war, by the mightiest of army's in the world. We are still alive and we will be back. Historically we have , shall again.


                              • #30
                                Maybe we should start demanding their side. We have a higher number of Pashtuns than they have. Hey its OURS!

                                Why should our Pashtun Pakistanis live under YOUR Afghani rule? If you have a case goto the UN security council and ask them to pass a resolution to have a plebiscite. Let the people choose, not your Afghan Emperor of 1893.

