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End of the Imaginary Durand Line

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  • Aksai Chin was lost in 1962...most Indian's believe that Pakistan gave it away to China. It's not correct.
    Part that we recognised as China is a Glacier, just nothe of the Hindukush and K2, not sure how its called, but its considerably small and of no value to any side...its mostly ice!


    • Again ur history man. Its 5,000 sqkm of J&K land. Man u pakistanis need to go & read an independent source of history. Just google for it.
      Hala Madrid!!


      • Originally posted by Neo
        Aksai Chin was lost in 1962...most Indian's believe that Pakistan gave it away to China. It's not correct.
        Part that we recognised as China is a Glacier, just nothe of the Hindukush and K2, not sure how its called, but its considerably small and of no value to any side...its mostly ice!
        You got mixed up. Aksai Chin is the land occupied by PRC in 1952 or 1954 to link up Xinjiang and Tibet by a less difficult route. This lead to the 1962 Sino-India border war. The land given by Pak to PRC different , see the map below, it is the area marked by red stripes (north of J&K).

        Cheers!...on the rocks!!


        • I know, thats the one I meant.
          Whats it called? It's mostly glacier right?


          • Originally posted by Neo
            I know, thats the one I meant.
            Whats it called? It's mostly glacier right?
            Its part of Northern Areas adjecent to Xinjiang region of China with K2 in Pak area in the approx centre of the area acceeded to China. Call it general area K2 or Godwin Austin.

            Cheers!...on the rocks!!


            • I have been as far/high as Point Concordia...beautiful vieuw! K2 can be seen from there


              • Originally posted by lemontree
                Its part of Northern Areas adjecent to Xinjiang region of China with K2 in Pak area in the approx centre of the area acceeded to China. Call it general area K2 or Godwin Austin.
                Its approx 5000 km2, mostly glacier and ice


                • Originally posted by Neo
                  I have been as far/high as Point Concordia...beautiful vieuw! K2 can be seen from there
                  I am sure it must be breath taking.

                  Cheers!...on the rocks!!


                  • Ya nepal is more developed than mountainous regions of pureland .
                    Hala Madrid!!


                    • Nepal is probably more developed than NE provinces of Hinduland..Duh


                      • Neo,

                        Mountains or glacier, it is part of a country.

                        It cannot be gifted away just for the heck of it!

                        I am sure you are not serious that one can gift away a part and parcel of one's country.

                        The NE is far better than Nepal. Take it from me.

                        India is not Hinduland. It is secular. You want me thrown out? ;)

                        "Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination."

                        I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

                        HAKUNA MATATA


                        • Sir, for pakistanis is always evil hindus as those snipets of texts books of pureland has shown .
                          Hala Madrid!!


                          • Originally posted by Ray

                            Mountains or glacier, it is part of a country.

                            It cannot be gifted away just for the heck of it!

                            I am sure you are not serious that one can gift away a part and parcel of one's country.
                            Sir, I'm just curious what a couple of mountains are worth to any of us.
                            It still is the boundry between China and Pakistan, two countries with all weather friendship!

                            The NE is far better than Nepal. Take it from me.
                            There are very bad articles on the web about NE states...they still seem to be living in the dark ages!!

                            India is not Hinduland. It is secular. You want me thrown out? ;)
                            Sir, if one choses to call Pakistan Pureland in a sarcastic way, I can and will call India or HINDUstan HINDUland, secular or not thats not the question...its all about respect.
                            I have respect for your country...but will not accept by coutries name to be used in vain!!


                            • Hey idiot pureland means nothing but pakistan. Man what a crack case !!!
                              Hala Madrid!!


                              • Originally posted by Neo
                                Sir, I'm just curious what a couple of mountains are worth to any of us.
                                It still is the boundry between China and Pakistan, two countries with all weather friendship!

                                It has been gifted to China. Would you gift the Gwadar port? After all. China is building it because of friendship! Would you part with Rai-Bhoi-di Talwandi in the present distrect of Shekhupura (Pakistan), now Nanakana Sahib because Guru Nanak was born there?

                                There are very bad articles on the web about NE states...they still seem to be living in the dark ages!!
                                True that it is not developed as the rest of India. It is not that the eastern part of India is neglected, it is just that they are too laid back including my own state West Bengal.

                                Unless you want to work, who can make you? Calcutta was the commercial capital of India. Jyoti Basu (SOB), the Chief Minister brought in gheraos andthe capital flew out. West Bengal was pits. With globalisation, the new CM also a Commie, has realised the folly and changing things rapidly. So, one has to work. Nobody is in the dark ages.

                                Since you are saner than most, let me tell you I flew over (side) Olthingthang in POK (Northern Area). There was no electricity! That was not so on our side, even if things were not perfect. I also interacted with those who use to go across. The NE was better off than the Shias of Northern Areas as per what I learn't.

                                Sir, if one choses to call Pakistan Pureland in a sarcastic way, I can and will call India or HINDUstan HINDUland, secular or not thats not the question...its all about respect.
                                I have respect for your country...but will not accept by coutries name to be used in vain!!


                                But just to rib you.

                                Pak means Pure. His Urdu maybe poor and so he used "Pure". He maybe a brown sahib for all we know! My son in law's grandmotehr is one. She uses a fork and knife to cut 'papads"! I tried it and the papad flew into my wife's face and cut her!

                                I sure would feel out of place if India becomes a Hinduland and so I wrote. It is a land not of Hindus alone. It is a land of all who form its citizenship of every single religion.

                                "Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination."

                                I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

                                HAKUNA MATATA

