Originally posted by Double Edge
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By herself Taiwan is in trouble. System for system the mainland Chinese have the edge, and the numbers advantage and the gap for both is growing wider. Once the F-16V's start delivery the gap won't be widening as fast, but the PRC is deploying 5th gen aircraft and AI systems that are in a different league from 4.5 gen aircraft. PLA/PLAAF/PLAN units still have logistics problems, morale problems, organizational and doctrine problems but those will smoothout over time as they gain experience and incorporate AI. If war came today, the PRC would quickly own the skies over Taiwan and control the seas around it. They may not be able to sustain a landing, but the RoC could not break a Mainland Chinese blockade or force a peace. Taiwan has no way at striking back at the PRC in any meaningful way. Taiwan's only hope of a forced peace on terms favorable to the RoC is outside (US) intervention.