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British Foreign Legion?

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  • British Foreign Legion?

    I was thinking, given that the Infantry branches are something like 3000 people short, and I believe the Gunners are also in short supply, might it be a good idea for the British Army to start it's own Foreign Legion?
    Considering something like 10% of the British Army aren't British as is, it's not exactly a huge leap in policy. My idea would be to raise combat units that are composed (at the Enlisted level) of foreigners who needn't come from within in the Commonwealth, so you could recruit from a wider base. The benefits scheme could be similar to the LE, with citizenship awarded after four years, or if wounded in the line of duty. And volunteer killed in the line of duty earns citizenship for their family (dependent, immediate family anyway). The language requirements could be lowered and there could be a specialist training course to bring non-English speaking recruits up to speed, a la the Brigade of Gurkhas. Of course, like the LE, there'd need to be background checks. The assumed name thing is kind of cool and might help to pull recruits that want the romance of starting over.

    The formation could start off raising one Battalion as an experiement and then expanding to include Artillery, Combat Support, Sappers etc. as the LE has done, once it's proven to be workable and a larger recruiting base can be found. To satisfy the PC crowd, female recruits could do all the jobs they can do in the rest of the Army. Plus it's good for martial law with the searching people and mosques thing. There'd be no grouping of personnel on the basis of ethnicity, religion etc.

    I think a cool idea would be to have the formation adopt the traditions not of the LE but rather of the King's German Legion and other mercenary units that have fought for the British back in Imperial times. The overall operational purpose of the Legion could be to raise rapid-reaction units for first response to overseas incidents, based on the theory that people would have less of a winge about foreign volunteers being sent overseas to fight than they might otherwise do when it's someone from their own Nation. I think a cool name would be something like the Crown Foreign Legion, or the Queen's Multi-National Legion or something like that. I would imagine a lot of recruits would come from the Thrid World or places in strife, since the chance for winning citizenship for themselves and at least Residency for their immediate family would be very attractive, and no one could really ***** that they hadn't earnt it. Plus, making pounds would be attractive.
    Personally I'd have no problem serving in it if one were to be formed while I'm in the British Army (if of course I get picked and all that).

    So, do the people who know think it would be workable?

  • #2


    • #3
      Gee, hadn't thought of that, I only mentioned the Brigade of Gurkhas in the post. The idea is to take the lessons learned there and expand to a wider recruiting base, i.e. all of Humanity.


      • #4
        You're ignoring the lesson there. The Gurkhas are raised as a regiment. Not as a brigade and not as a legion. The FFL, while highly effective, lacked the one thing that was already inherant in our regiment system - that of a common culture.

        Simply put, it would be alot easier for the British to integrate the RAR into a commonwealth brigade than it is to integrate Australians into a French Canadian Officered regiment.


        • #5
          How about the "Cannon Fodder Fellows Legion"?Kind of rolls off your tongue,doesn't it?;)
          "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories." Thomas Jefferson


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shameless View Post
            How about the "Cannon Fodder Fellows Legion"?Kind of rolls off your tongue,doesn't it?;)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
              You're ignoring the lesson there. The Gurkhas are raised as a regiment. Not as a brigade and not as a legion. The FFL, while highly effective, lacked the one thing that was already inherant in our regiment system - that of a common culture.

              Simply put, it would be alot easier for the British to integrate the RAR into a commonwealth brigade than it is to integrate Australians into a French Canadian Officered regiment.
              Well I never concieved the idea as a single maneauvre formation, just as an administrative grouping due to the differing needs, and as you metioned culture, such a force would have from the rest of the Army. Raise it as a regiment, the name Legion is simply a jazzy word to make it sound grand.


              • #8
                You're still ignoring the fundamental lesson the British have learned. It is far more effective to raise a single group as a regiment than to clump different people from different culture together.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                  You're still ignoring the fundamental lesson the British have learned. It is far more effective to raise a single group as a regiment than to clump different people from different culture together.
                  But as I said a large and ever growing percentage of the British Army are foreign citizens, and right now they are being distributed, albeit within certain employment areas, all over the place. Wouldn't that create a similar problem?
                  At least with this "unit" there would be the common thread of being foreigners. I guess the biggest thing is to get people to dump their old identities at the door and become born again within the unit. I, as far as I know, think this is how the LE manages to keep it's integration.
                  Maybe one card that could be played would be the "united we stand" deal. Besides if you've got a battalion that may have anything up to dozens of native languages spoken in it, that couldn't hurt.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by -{SpoonmaN}- View Post
                    Wouldn't that create a similar problem?
                    No, it would not. By and large, those who join the British Army grew up in the UK and in the case of the TA, within the same community. While they may be foreigners, they are already integrated.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by -{SpoonmaN}- View Post
                      ....The language requirements could be lowered and there could be a specialist training course to bring non-English speaking recruits up to speed, a la the Brigade of Gurkhas....
                      There is an error in your understanding of the ethos of the Gurkha units or for that matter the regimental system.

                      The Gurkhas are not required to "get up to speed" in english, but its the other way around, the British officers have to "get up to speed in Gurkhali". All orders and instructions are given in the native language. This has been the norm since 300 years, which is followed till date even in the Indian army in all regiments that have troops belonging to a particular culture/ ethnic background.

                      Even the French FL has French as the official language.

                      Cheers!...on the rocks!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by -{SpoonmaN}- View Post
                        I was thinking, given that the Infantry branches are something like 3000 people short, and I believe the Gunners are also in short supply, might it be a good idea for the British Army to start it's own Foreign Legion?
                        So, do the people who know think it would be workable?
                        Wouldn't it be much easier to increase recruiting?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gun Grape View Post
                          Wouldn't it be much easier to increase recruiting?
                          I think they're trying pretty hard without enough sucess. Strain from fighting in Iraq and A-stan is supposed to be taking it's toll.


                          • #14
                            The MoD has been cutting down troop strength in the past to save money, now the ones that are left are over stretched and over worked.

                            New units need to be raised. Temporary TA ones should be good for now.

                            Cheers!...on the rocks!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by lemontree View Post
                              The MoD has been cutting down troop strength in the past to save money, now the ones that are left are over stretched and over worked.

                              New units need to be raised. Temporary TA ones should be good for now.
                              It was only at the end of last week that Government finally agreed that the Forces are overstretched(slightly!!!) they had to put in that last comment

